Credit Reporting Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters
Us and our commitment
CCI SUPPLIES PTY LTD ACN 612 346 040 and any of their related companies, trusts or entities (referred to in this document as we, us or our) recognise that your privacy is very important and we are committed to protecting the personal information we collect from you.
This Credit Reporting Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters will apply to you if you are an individual, and otherwise applies only to the extent required by the Privacy Act or any applicable credit reporting privacy code.
Governing Legislation
The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), Australian Privacy Principles and registered privacy codes govern how we must manage your personal information.
This Credit Reporting Policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage credit-related information.
This Credit Reporting Policy and the Privacy Policy are available at our website at:
or on request by contacting us as set out below.
Kinds of information collected
If you apply for credit from us, we may collect and hold various information related to your assets and financial position, including income details, expense details, asset values, and any other information that you disclose to us.
We also collect and use all types of ‘credit information’, ‘credit eligibility information’ and ‘CP-derived information’ (as those terms are defined in the Privacy Act).
Credit information is the information about an individual that we may collect and give to a credit reporting body (such as Veda Advantage Information Services and Solutions Limited (Veda).
This information includes:
- identity details;
- the fact that you have applied for credit and the amount;
- the fact that we are a credit provider to you;
- consumer credit liability information (as defined in the Privacy Act);
- repayment history information (but only if we hold the required licence
from time to time or are authorized by law to do so); - a statement that an information request has been made in relation to you by a credit provider, mortgage insurer or trade insurer;
- in specified circumstances, default information (including payment information if you pay a defaulted amount previously listed with a credit reporting body);
- new arrangements information, court proceedings information and personal insolvency information (as defined in the Privacy Act);
- advice that payments are no longer overdue and the date on which overdue payments were made;
- in specified circumstances, our opinion that you have committed a serious credit infringement;
- the fact that credit provided to you has been paid or otherwise discharged (including the date of discharge).
Credit Eligibility Information
Credit eligibility information is the information credit reporting bodies (like Veda) provide to us.
CP-derived information means any personal information that is derived from information provided to us by a credit reporting body. This could be, for instance, a credit score.
In this policy, we refer to ‘credit-related information’ to capture some or all information referred to above (as the context requires).
Method of collection
We will collect your credit-related information if you apply for credit from us or our related entities. We will collect this information directly from you in most cases, for instance through telephone calls, through our application forms and processes or via email. We may also collect it from persons acting on your behalf (for instance, your partner, your financial advisors, other advisors, your Directors, employees or other representatives) or from our related entities.
We also collect credit-related information from credit reporting bodies (such as Veda) or from other credit providers where permitted by the Privacy Act.
Purposes of collection, use and disclosure
We collect and use your credit-related information in order to assess your application for consumer or commercial credit (or assess your application to be a guarantor in relation to such credit), to provide to any principals for whom we are acting as an agent, for securitisation-related purposes, for our risk assessment, for our internal management purposes that are directly related to the management of consumer or commercial credit, where we reasonably believe that you have committed a serious credit infringement, and where otherwise required or permitted by law.
We may disclose credit-related information about you to:
- our related entities, any person we act as an agent for in relation to the credit, or a person who manages credit, to process an application or manage credit or for related internal management purposes that are directly related to the provision or management of commercial credit;
- other persons where we believe on reasonable grounds that you have committed a serious credit infringement;
- external dispute resolution providers;
- third parties for securitisation purposes;
- third parties for the purposes of considering whether to accept an assignment of debt, or to take an interest in the credit provider;
- other credit providers where you have consented and where permitted by law;
- guarantors or proposed guarantors, where you have consented and where permitted by law;
- mortgage insurers;
- debt collectors; and
- other persons where required or authorised by law.
We may disclose your credit information to Veda or other credit reporting bodies as set out in this Credit Reporting Policy from time to time. Details of how to obtain a copy of Veda’s credit reporting policy are set out in the Notifiable Matters section below.
Overseas disclosures and countries of such disclosure
We do not presently store credit-related information overseas, nor do we disclose it overseas.
Access and correction
You may access the credit information we hold about you, by making a written request. We will respond to your request within a reasonable period. In relation to credit eligibility information specifically, we will provide access within 30 days unless unusual circumstances apply.
Except where prohibited by the Privacy Act and Credit Reporting Privacy Code, we may charge you a reasonable fee for providing access to your personal information (but not for making a request for access).
We may decline a request for access in circumstances prescribed by the Privacy Act, and if we do, we will provide you with a written notice that sets out the reasons for the refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to provide those reasons) and notify you that you may access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme of which we are a member, or make a complaint to the Information Commissioner.
To ensure you have access to the most up-to-date information, you should also request access to credit reporting information held by credit reporting bodies.
You can ask us to correct your credit-related information. If we are satisfied that your information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to update your information within 30 days (or such longer period you agree to in writing) and will provide written notice of that correction.
If we form the view that we will not be able to resolve your correction request within the 30-day time period, we will write to you seeking an extension of time, and notify you that you can complain to a recognised external dispute resolution scheme.
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us as set out below. Within 7 days we will acknowledge the complaint in writing. We will then investigate the complaint and consult with third parties we consider it necessary to consult with. We will provide you our decision within 30 days from the date of your complaint (unless you have agreed to a longer time frame in writing).
CCI Supplies Pty Ltd
Address: PO Box 1024, Runaway Bay, QLD 4216
Telephone: 07 5537 7371
Facsimile: 07 5537 7371
Statement of Notifiable Matters pursuant to our Code Obligations under the Credit Reporting Privacy Code
Under the Credit Reporting Privacy Code, there are several ‘notifiable matters’ that we are required to disclose to you at or before the time of collecting personal information that is likely to be disclosed to a credit reporting body.
Those matters are:
- the credit reporting body may include the credit information we provide to it in reports, which it then provides to other credit providers to assist those other credit providers to assess your credit worthiness;
- if you fail to meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit, or commit a serious credit infringement, we may be entitled to disclose this to a credit reporting body;
- you can request a copy of our Credit Reporting Policy by contacting us, or obtain it directly from our website;
- you can request a copy of Veda’s credit reporting policy from its website ( or by contacting them directly by mail to Veda information Services & Solutions Ltd, PO Box 964, North Sydney, NSW, 2059;
- you have the right to access credit information we hold about you, request that we correct the information, and make a complaint, as set out further in the remainder of our Credit Reporting Policy;
- you can request a credit reporting body not to use your credit reporting information for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by us; and
- you can request a credit reporting body not to use or disclose your credit reporting information if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been, or are likely to be, the victim of fraud.
You can request that we provide you a hard copy of this policy (including the Statement of Notifiable Matters).